zondag 9 september 2012

More about Loki

I’m thinking about Loki

There are people saying Loki is bad and evil.
But is there a power like that, a power that is only bad?
I can not ‘see’ that.
All is born from the souce of love and light.
And we in our core are connected tot that source.
All alive is.
So than in Loki’s case we have to assume that he lives outside us. That at least but it also has to exist ouside creation. ( creation or that what created itself , himself or herself).
In my view somethig like that doesn’t exist.
So my conclusion is : Loki is in his core not only bad, in essention even on the contrary.
But we can turn our back to truth and turn away from the light.
Than we will enter the world of illusions and speculations. And there evil exists. Only in our imagination. And is Loki imagination or does he live in the genes/ in the dna of us and our ancestors? Or is Loki an living potention inside of us?
So when Loki comes alive in us. The Liar comes alive inside of us. All lies come to the light!
When he comes alive in us, all that is ugly and horrible must be accepted.
Is he not an healer?

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