maandag 17 september 2012


Uiteindelijk is de grootste mug toch eigenlijk maar een kleine olifant...
Philip skald Aswind 17-9-'12

zondag 9 september 2012

More about Loki

I’m thinking about Loki

There are people saying Loki is bad and evil.
But is there a power like that, a power that is only bad?
I can not ‘see’ that.
All is born from the souce of love and light.
And we in our core are connected tot that source.
All alive is.
So than in Loki’s case we have to assume that he lives outside us. That at least but it also has to exist ouside creation. ( creation or that what created itself , himself or herself).
In my view somethig like that doesn’t exist.
So my conclusion is : Loki is in his core not only bad, in essention even on the contrary.
But we can turn our back to truth and turn away from the light.
Than we will enter the world of illusions and speculations. And there evil exists. Only in our imagination. And is Loki imagination or does he live in the genes/ in the dna of us and our ancestors? Or is Loki an living potention inside of us?
So when Loki comes alive in us. The Liar comes alive inside of us. All lies come to the light!
When he comes alive in us, all that is ugly and horrible must be accepted.
Is he not an healer?

dinsdag 4 september 2012



Is Odin’s ene oog niet het ene oog van de geest
Is zijn speer Gungnir niet de ruggengraat?
Is Odin’s huis van buiten klein, van binnen groot,
Is Odin’s huis niet het hart?
Is het hart eenmaal binnen gegaan geen feestzaal?
Wordt daar niet de mede /godendrank in overvloed geschonken?

Skald Aswind, Philip van der Zee, 4-9-’12, Lier ( Be)


Is Odin’s one eye not the spirit’s eye?
Is his spear Gungnir not our spine?
Is Odin’s house little from the outside, huge from the inside
Is Odin’s house not the heart?
Is the heart once entered not a ballroom, hall of banquets?
Do they not serve mead, nectar of the gods in abundance there?

Skald Aswind, Philip van der Zee, 4-9-’12, Lier ( Be)

maandag 3 september 2012

Schaduw van een vlinder

Schaduw van een vlinder

Wie ben ik die waar de zon schijnt een schaduw werpt,
wie ben ik die het geluid van een bloem,
zo teder,
niet horen kan
en toch het geluid van het zachtjes klappen van vlindervleugels zo zeer bemin ?

Philip 'Aswind' van der Zee, skald, 23-8- 2012

Loki zegt/ Loki says

Loki zegt:
Hoe kunnen wij de waarheid kennen zonder de leugen te herkennen?
Hoe kunnen we de leugen herkennen zonder hem te kennen?
Kunnen wij de leugen kennen zonder hem te zijn?
ik ben Loki
ik ben de leugenaar
ik spreek de waarheid voor eeuwig en altijd
Wie ben jij en wie ben ik?
Hoe kan ik zonder jou mezelf zijn?
Hoe kan jij bestaan zonder mijn bewust-zijn?
Jij bent mij en ik ben jou
Of is dat soms een leugen?!

Ik ben een zoon van reuzen
woon in het huis der asen
Ik ben een ase, reuzenzoon
Bloedbroeder van Odin, Alvader
Zoon van Laufey
één onder de goden

De bron is het licht
is alleen maar waarheid
Ik ben Loki, ik ben het vuur
ik draag het licht in mij
ik ben de leugenaar
ik ben jou

Loki says:
How can we know the truth without recognizing the lie?
How can we recognize the lie without knowing it?
Can we know the lie without being it?
I am Loki
I am the liar
I speak truth always and forever
Who are you and who am I?
How can I be myself without you?
How can you exist without my awareness?
You are me and I am you
Or is that a lie, you think?

I am a son of giants
I live in the house of the Aesir ( the gods)
I am Ase-Loki, Giant-son
Bloodbrother with Odin, Allfather
Son of Laufey
One with the gods

The source is the light
is only truth
I am Loki, I am the fire
I carry the light within myself
I am the liar
I am you

Skald Aswind, Philip van der Zee, 4-9-’12, Lier (Be)

About Loki

Loki is very powerful. Think about it, feel and viualize and you will get a greater picture. The Christians turned him into a devil. They need a devil. The old ones did not. I don't. He is bad. But bad is fun too. Think of the Christians turning the infinite Goddess into a man. They are funny!!! Loki is laughing his head off, and yes he can, litterally. Think about Loki. He is a male god. ( In a
way there is nothing male in the universe) But he became pregnant one time. He gave birth to 4 real powerful beings.  ( three times he was the father) ( Loki also regarded as god of the fire/ fire element) He turned himself into a mare and gave birth to Sleipnir, Odin's most powerful horse. Visualise that. How horrible and beautiful at the same time. Alfather, the father of the gods, Odin riding through the skies on the horse Loki gave birth to. And than there's Hell. Angrboda the dark ancient witch gave birth to her. It was Loki making Angrboda pregnant.
Hell the goddess of death, goddess of the underworld. Don't we love her? Is she not disgusting and wonderfully beautiful at the same time?
Angreboda gave birth to the Midgardsnake, The snake that curles around the continents. Many native tribes talk about this Earth-serpent. Sometimes apearing in the form of a dragon. He's a son of Loki too. And finally Angreboda was the one giving birth to Fenris the most horrible wolf.  Loki must have been fond of Angrboda. Or was it only sex? The time will come that Fenris will eat the sun. Ain't that evil. The devil turns pale when he sees this happening, won't he? Or is it Loki ? Is it one and the same? Is the devil just another mask of Loki? One thing is certain: He will laugh when the time comes. Is laughter not a great gift. Where will we be without it? Where will we be without the fire?!

One day we will understand these things. It is never too late.
Love you all...

And yes the Fenris wolf will be killed by Odin. But the wolf will kill Odin too. Will Loki give the goddess her female face back? One thing for sure it won't be the pope.
Or will even the pope wear Loki's mask?
Loki is truly horrible. He makes you doubt all.
Who am I? Is it you Loki? Is it me?

Love is all

Mitakuye Oyasin, Skald Aswind 3 september 2012, ( =Philip van der Zee) Bergen op Zoom

There is a Loki story coming up... :-)