woensdag 25 juli 2012

the old ones

This Poem I wrote last saturday morning inspired by the old spirits surrounding Gudvangen Viking Marknad ( also the memorial on sunday was in my thoughts):

The old ones

The old ones looking down at us

We can't see them, nor hear them
the old ones looking down at us
looking at the mess we make

the old ones starring us in the face
still we can't see
it is us, the old ones new again
looking at the loss

The old ones are kneeling down for us
humble and humain
the old ones looking up at us
praying and begging for us to see
the old ones looking up at us
and ask us for forgiveness

They can see the mess they made
the mess we're living in today
they wish they've had more wisdom
to have turned it once around

the old ones, ancestors
brothers and sisters now
together we will fight
we'll struggle in these crazy times
it's them and us together
fighting the final battle
side by side we fight knowing
'all wars are lost'

21 july 2012, Philip 'Aswind' van der Zee, Gudvangen

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